What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the practice of optimizing content to be discovered and increasing the quality and quantity of traffic through organic search engine results.

Organic results are the traffic that you do not have to pay for. Quality of traffic means that you can attract visitors who are interested in your products or services. And the quantity of traffic expresses more traffic that you have the right people click through from search engine pages.

How SEO works?

Search engines are libraries of the digital world and they store web pages instead of books.

Any search engines have a crawler that goes out and gathers information about all the content they can find on the Internet and tries to match all that data with your query. To do this, they use a computer program called an algorithm.

Many elements go into a search engine’s algorithm: The words of the query, relevance, and usability of the page, the expertise of sources, etc.

In other words, all search engines' goal is to show you the best and most relevant results through your query.

How to optimize your web page for search engines?

  • Search engines do not rank web sites, but web pages. It's means, you should rank for your every page for a query. Every different page can rank with different keywords and topics.
  • Crawlability: Search engines use a lot of ways to discover new content on the Internet. But the first method is crawling. But some reasons can block search engines’ crawlers such as poor internal links, no followed internal links, and no indexed pages.
  • Responsiveness: Today all of us use our mobile devices to search more than PCs and tablets. That's mean that your web pages should be mobile friendly.
  • Page Speed: Page speed is a ranking factor on both desktop and mobile. When clicking on a search result and it takes too long to load that makes dissatisfaction. So search engines want to keep users satisfied.
  • Content & Search Intent: Right keywords help you to rank easily because search engines look for relevant keywords that users’ queries and what they want to see. In this case, content type (as a blog post, product page, etc.), format (as a list, article, etc.) and angle (is it unique or common) are important.
  • Backlinks: Backlinks matter if you want to rank for anything worthwhile because generally, pages with more votes tend to rank higher.